2023 N.I.C.E.
Class Schedule
Jace Rivera teaches in-depth classes on the use of Korean natural farming and JADAM natural farming, with a focus on cannabis cultivation! Jace has over 17+ years of cultivation experience (8+ years of KNF) and will teach you how to "read your plant," so you can provide what they need, when they need it.
There are 2 types of classes depending on your needs.
3 Day - Process Focused
This series is designed for people that have made inputs but need direction on how to use them. If you have have watched videos, read books or even taken other natural farming classes but still feel like there is a connection missing to use these inputs for cannabis this class is for you! In this condensed time class we cover basic soil biology, demonstrate how each nutrient is made and how to apply them. Class time @ 27 hours includes a N.I.C.E. Starter pack of nutrients and Thumb Drive with class information.
5 Day - Intensive Class
In this full 5 day intensive class we spend 40+ hours covering the cannabis cultivation process from seed to harvest. With over 25 hours of hands on experience you leave the class with a full understanding of how to use the nutrients you make. The hands on aspect is extremely beneficial to beginners and advanced natural farmers allowing you to taste and smell the inputs through the process. Includes light breakfast and lunch for each day (lunch made using natural farming inputs). Upon completion you receive you will receive a level 2 CGNF-H certification in Korean natural farming.
Whether you are looking to grow on a commercial scale or
want to have your own personal harvest we can teach you how to achieve your goal!
Inputs and items we will cover:
Nutritive cycle (cannabis specific - Jace Rivera 2022 new revision)
KNF Nutrient List
Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO 1-5)
Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)
Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)
Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN)
Fish Amino Acid (FAA)
Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)
Water-Soluble Potassium (WSK)
Water-Soluble Calcium (WCA)
Water-Soluble Calcium Phosphate (WCAP)
Brown Rice Vinegar (BRV)
Sea Water (SW)
Seed Soak Solution (SES)
Soil Treatment Solution (SOS)
Charcoal (Biochar)
JADAM microbial
and more!
Complete Details
Class details:
3 - Day November 10-12th Houston, Texas
$1200/per student
Class held with:
Miles Filippelli - Weed Should Taste Good and Fermented Plant Extracts
Nick Ioannucci - N.I.C.E. Graduate and Portal Provisions Hash Maker
N.I.C.E. Cannabis cultivation class
Each student will be provided with a full set of nutrients to take home to start using and applying right away. You will also receive a gift bag with thumb drive of information including all class materials, reference books, documents and supplemental information to help with your growing experience! Class gift bags may have a few more small surprises to enjoy
